Join Us
At Dopoi, students share the classroom with Maasai teachers and students in a setting that respects Indigenous knowledge. Classes in many disciplinary areas are taught at Dopoi, typically in the Spring semester, and graduate courses are available at other times; students are also welcome to do Independent Studies, Senior Projects, and Internships.

A Hub of Community Activism
Dopoi is home to MERC, an international Maasai led organization founded in the 1980s, and it serves as a vital resource for the Maasai community as a central hub for organizing, meetings, trainings and cultural ceremonies. Dopoi fosters collaboration on initiatives related to land rights, education, and environmental conservation across Maasailand.
A Campus of Prescott College
The Dopoi Center hosts collaborations with key international partners and serves as the Maasailand base for Prescott College. As a field station, it facilitates collaborative research, international study programs, and community-based conservation efforts that benefit the Maasai people.

A Center of Innovation in Community Based Tourism
The Dopoi Center welcomes visitors looking for a different kind of tourist experience. Dopoi houses the yearly Maasai Field Guide Training Program, the office of the Mara Guides Association, the Olosho Bead Cooperative, and is the future home of the Maasai Automotive Education Center.