Decolonizing Knowledge

Decolonizing Knowledge

Maasai never relinquished our land

What We Do

Decolonizing our history has been a critical intervention, and our approach and findings will be available through: Dapash and Poole, Decolonizing History in Maasailand (forthcoming 2021).

Much of Maasai history has either not been written, or has been written through a colonized lens. Our project turns to archival sources to glean information to inform the community’s oral history. Our approach is to reconstruct history through collaboration.

We research history informed by questions originating in the community, and hold yearly history conferences to present what we are finding in the archives.

Much of our work has focused on land occupation, and has informed activism, as is the case with the Mau Narok land rights movement.

Donkol Ole Keiwa created a Maa-English Dictionary to further our  collaboration. Contact MERC to support this important project.

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