Ecology and Coexistence

Ecology and Coexistence

Maasai know our land

What We Do

Maasai know our land as a rich apothecary with over fifty types of tree barks to protect human beings from viruses such as we encounter in the global pandemic. We also know that wildlife communities are intelligent, can be known through their individual histories, and negotiated with to share common resources. We are the rightful stewards of this land, and the people best equipped to Manage it.

Today, Maasailand is one of the last great wildlife refuges in the world and Maasai territories provide habitat for 80 percent of East Africa’s wildlife. In fact, the Maasai Mara-Serengeti ecosystem supports the highest concentration of wildlife on Earth. MERC is devoted to a future where wildlife continue to live free and protected, a future which is only possible through a re-empowerment of Maasai culture to manage the care of wildlife on our land.

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